God’s Grace Is Not Cheap
We all commit mistakes, and at some point in our lives, we did something terrible in God’s eyes. That’s why nobody really deserves the grace of God. It’s something that is very precious and should not be wasted. Jesus showed to us what grace means and it’s never a cheap thing. It takes the pain and His blood just for us to have it. So make sure that you treasure the grace of God in your life.
Just because God has been so gracious to us doesn’t mean we can commit sins over and over again. God’s grace is so precious, and it’s more than just saving us from our sins. It protects and guides us. It gives us hope for the future. So please never take it for granted. Because it’s so priceless. Only God can provide us with the grace that we need. He alone can completely transform our lives. No one else in this world can do what Jesus did on the cross. We are saved not because of our own deeds, but it’s all because of His grace.
You are so blessed if you still feel the grace of God working in your life. May it be in the form of opportunities and favor or perhaps good news. Whatever it is that you receive from Him, always keep it in your heart. Sometimes, we are just so familiar with the things happening all around us, and we tend to forget to be grateful for the grace of God. We focus on the things that we lack instead of the things that He already provided for us.
May we always learn to value the grace of God more than anything else in this world. We are simply nothing without Him, and without His never-ending grace, our lives will always be messed up. Don’t forget to thank Him for whatever blessings you received. God loves us so much, and we may forever treasure His love in our lives. Let’s not waste the chances that God gave to us, for He always deserves to be glorified in our lives.
If you think that God’s grace surrounds you, then know that you are one of the wealthiest people in this world because you receive a beautiful treasure that this world can never give. You are valuable, and His grace is always priceless. I pray that you will learn to value it and never take it for granted.