
God’s hands will always Find you

When God destined you to be in a certain place, He will always make a way to pull you into that fate. He will orchestrate everything. Maybe He will let you go through things that are tough and difficult. He will challenge you on random stuff because He wants to build your faith in. You may want to write your own story and plan things in your life, but when God wants you to fulfill your purpose, He will always make a way to get you back on it. So do not worry too much, for He knows what He is doing. He is not doing things against your will because He will always give you a choice, even before you take them. But know that the wisest choice lies in Him – the only One who knows everything. 

God’s plan is always perfect. It may take time to fulfill, but He will build patience by making you wait. Just trust the process because it will be worth it in the end. Always remember that He is not holding back His blessings but building your trust in Him. Do not worry, for He will provide you with the necessary things. He will supply your courage and strength in the waiting season. He will help you build yourself. He will allow you to go through events that will help you understand yourself better. Just don’t hold back and let things naturally flow. Believe that everything will make sense someday.

God just doesn’t provide, but He is also patient with our desires. He does not only give, but He also listens and understands. That is why, when He makes things happen, instead of doubting His ways, just learn to build your trust in Him. He will never destroy you. This life might make you bend, but He will not let you break. 

You may be uprooted, but you can always be replanted into something better. Know that His plans have a different timeline. It is not that He is not doing anything in our lives. Sometimes, it is our own impatience that will harm us. You just need to always read His word and be obedient to Him.

You can never outrun God’s plan and the same goes with His love. That is why He will always make way for you. Just know that He is a good Father. All He ever wants for you is goodness in this life. He will help you prosper, and He will always make ways to help you fulfill your purpose. So, stop running and chasing dreams that are not yours. Live for His glory and let His plans prosper in your life.