God’s Love For You Will Never Change
Your mistakes can never change the fact that God loves you so much. He will remain faithful in your life. You may think that God no longer wants to be with you because you feel so filthy inside. You committed so many mistakes, and you tend to hide from His presence. But He will never let you go. His love for you will remain, no matter what happens. Yes, God values obedience, but He loves you more than the sins that you committed. He wants you back in His arm. Remember that He is powerful enough to restore your life. He can do the impossible things. You just have to trust Him.
Stop feeling so ashamed and never condemn yourself. God sees everything, and He knows what’s going on in your heart. He is aware of your story. Remember He knows the roots of your pain. So instead of hiding away from Him, just humble yourself in His presence and ask for forgiveness. Surrender the negative emotions you feel inside and let Him change your heart. Never allow the shame and the bitterness to consume your thoughts. Let God reign, and He will redeem you from the pain that you experienced. Give yourself the chance to process everything and choose to grow in His presence. Remember that you are a work in progress.
God designed you to experience His perfect love. The entertainment of this world can never satisfy your heart. Only Him can heal the wounds inside. All you need to do is to let Him be the God of your life. You need to give up your selfish desires and allow His grace to wash away the impurities inside. Whether you like it or not, we all need the love of God. This broken world can never complete us. We will encounter pain and disappointments, and only God can give us the kind of love that will wash away our fears.
No matter what you do and where you go, always put in your heart that you have a loving Father. When the pressures of this world are just too heavy for you to handle, remember that you can always run and hide in the arms of God. He will be there to embrace you until you feel relieved. He will give you rest. There may be times that you will forget Him, but His love for you will never change.