God’s Love Is Greater Than The Things That You Don’t Have In Life
Let the love of God be the source of your contentment. Remember that the riches and the entertainment of this world can never satisfy the emptiness in your heart. You may feel happy, but it will only last for a moment. You will come back to the deepest scar that you have inside, and no matter what you do, you will find yourself so lost because you don’t know how to quench the thirst you feel. The truth is only the perfect love of God can give you the satisfaction that you’ve been looking for all this time. He alone can heal the wounds inside. And He will not just take away the pain, but He will also give you the chance to experience a new beginning.
God’s love is the most expensive treasure that you could ever receive in your life. It’s greater than the wealth that you can acquire here on earth. It’s more than the honor that you will receive from this world. In His presence, you will experience the kind of peace that you can never explain. When you rely on His love more than the riches that you have, you will no longer anchor your hope on the things that will just fade in the end. God will be the strongest foundation in your life. And the most wonderful thing is, you will never be easily shaken.
When you encounter God in your life, you will stop focusing on the things that you don’t have. Instead, you will feel so blessed with the precious gifts that He gave you. The uncertainties in life will never break your heart because you learned to be fully satisfied in His presence. You will never be tempted with the temporary success that this world will offer because you know in yourself that only God can fill the empty spaces in your heart. He alone can make you feel whole and complete. That’s why you will choose to trust in Him and stop relying on what other people can offer.
The satisfaction you feel inside will be the source of your joy, and no one else can take it away from you. The happiness that you will receive is so overwhelming that you will stop asking for anything more but just to stay in His presence. The material things will no longer give you fulfillment deep within because finally, you already encountered the One who truly loves you from the inside out. And you know that He is always greater than the riches of this world.

One Comment
Danda Geronimo
Gods love for us is so deep so great. We can feel the joy that’s coming from God. When we feel the love of God it can not be replaced with anything in this world. I thank God every day. I love you too Lord Jesus Christ.