God’s Love Is Powerful Than Your Sins
If you think that God is silent because you have so many mistakes in life, then you are wrong. God will continue to bless you with enough grace until you realize that nothing can separate you from Him. His love is the reason why you still receive a lot of blessings right now, even if you think you don’t even deserve it.
Your sins can never define you. God alone knows your identity because He simply created you. Whatever it is that keeps on bothering you right now, surrender it all to God. If you committed a terrible sin in front of Him and His people, learn to ask for forgiveness. Repent with all your heart. Allow God to change your thoughts so that you will be renewed. He will teach you how to live in His presence. He will guide you all along the way. Just don’t be afraid to come to Him. God will never condemn you.
When you start to repent about the things that you did wrong, God’s love will reign in your heart, and you will know what it means to be a child of God. All it takes is for you to surrender your sins and let the blood of Jesus wash it all away. What He did on the cross is the most powerful act of love that happened here on earth. He surrendered His life, just for us to be free from our sins. And He did it for all of us. And it’s up to us if we will receive His love in our hearts or not.
It takes a humble heart to admit that we need a savior. We can’t save ourselves from all the sins that we committed. We all deserve punishment, but we never felt that way because God did the opposite thing. He showed us what love is. And He never blamed us for everything that we have done. That’s how His grace works. God faithfully blessed us with the things that we need because He is simply kind, and that’s who He is. It’s His nature, and grace is already part of His being.
In case you still doubt the love of God in your life, then it’s time for you to remind yourself that He treasures your life. You are not a mistake. God created you for a beautiful purpose. You don’t have to live in the darkness anymore. Just receive the love of God in your life. Let His grace renew your heart. Yes, we all commit mistakes. But the love of God is always there to rescue us. If you already surrendered all your sins, then remember what Jesus said, “Go and sin no more.”