God’s love is Real, and He can Absolutely change your Life
It’s hard to believe that perfect love exists simply because we are not used to it. We are living in this broken world where pain is so common. We used to live a life where things were changing, and nothing remained the same. This is the reason why it’s hard to comprehend that we still have the chance to experience true love. But even if it’s hard, it is so possible. God’s love is real. It’s not tangible, but you can feel it. It’s not visible, but you can absolutely receive it. If you only let go of your own understanding and allow Him to reign, He will slowly open your eyes to the things you fail to appreciate. He will take you on a journey of transformation where you will feel whole and complete.
Don’t focus on the material things that this world can offer. God wants to give you gifts that will last even through eternity. Don’t settle on what you can see and touch. Everything in this world is temporary except the love of God. The riches and fame that you acquire will soon leave you empty if you will not use them for God’s glory. Remember that your life starts and ends in the presence of God. After everything you went through, you will go back to Him and justify the things that you did. So while you still have the time you need, ask Him about His will and choose to abide. Let Him open your eyes to the unseen things that matter most in the end.
If you want change to happen, then start by accepting God’s love in your heart. It’s the foundation that you need. The process of transformation will test your faith, but as long as you are rooted in God’s love, then you will receive His strength. As long as you always choose His ways, then you will always be guided. He will be there to assist and hold your hands. The journey will be tough, but His grace will always be there. Just let His love consume your wounded heart, and you will find the courage to keep going.
There is still hope. God’s love is just waiting for your heart to be opened. You can still experience a life that’s worth living. You may be surrounded by so much pain at the moment, but if you only give God a chance to move, He will absolutely renew everything in your life. He can give you a fresh start. He can redeem you from the painful past that you experienced. You just need to humble yourself and let go of your own will. You need to lay down everything to God and allow Him to reign in your life. It means that you need to accept the truth that you are loved, and He will take good care of you no matter what happens.