God’s love will Empower you to Forgive those who broke your heart
Forgiveness is not that easy to give, especially when your heart is torn into pieces because of other people’s actions. You need the courage to do it. You need God’s love to strengthen you along the process of healing. This is the reason why you need to seek Him when you find it hard to accept other people’s mistakes. Let His love reminds you that there is still hope. Broken pieces may not be easily fixed, but trust that God’s love is powerful enough to restore your heart. You just need to surrender. Let go of your desire to turn things as they used to be. Stop controlling the situations that you are meant to surrender. Allow God to take over, and He will help you. He will give you reasons to keep moving.
Receive God’s grace first, and you will be able to forgive. Remember those moments when He forgave you and accepted you as who you are. Do to others what God did to you. Extend His love to those who sinned against you. Do not focus on their mistakes. They may cause so much pain in your life, but remember that just like you, they are also God’s creations. He never intended His people to hurt one other. God desires peace and love here on earth. He wants you to forgive not because your offender deserves it but because He wants you to do what’s right. Things may not make sense for now, but when you learn to surrender in His presence, God will slowly open your eyes to the things that He is doing behind the scenes.
Don’t waste your time hating imperfect people. You won’t get healed if you keep on talking about the things that they did wrong. Focus on what God wants you to do. Choose to please His name. Listen to His voice, and He will lead you to love those who caused you pain. He will teach you how to slowly accept the wrong things that they did. God will help you recover. He will perform miracles along the way. He will transform your mindset. So stop looking at the negative things that happened in your life. You are surrounded by His love. Treasure the ordinary yet very important miracles around you. And only then will you learn to focus on God’s blessings.
Choose to love no matter what happens. This will take a lot of courage but know that God will be there. He will support you. He will lead you along the way. Trust Him and stop following your own emotions. You can acknowledge them, but don’t let them be the king of your life. Honor your Father in Heaven. Do what He commands. Love Him and the people around you. Only then will you slowly experience what it means to live in His Kingdom.