God’s Opportunities and Favors are all Around You
You are so blessed. If you can only see the things that God has provided you, your worries and shame will surely fade. He has given you countless opportunities and favors. You find it hard to see them because you are too overwhelmed with the negative things that happened in your life. But even if you can’t identify His ways, that doesn’t stop Him from giving you enough grace. He makes way for you. He still performs miracles even if your heart is not aligned to His will. You just need to open the eyes of your heart so that you’ll receive what He prepared. Our Heavenly Father is not blind. He knows what you need even before you ask Him.
Let God change the way you see things. You can’t utilize His blessings because your eyes are too focused on the bad situations around you. Ask Him to change the way you see things, and don’t stop connecting to His heart. Learn more about Him and start reading the Bible. In such a way, you will discover how God works and how He ministers to His people. Through His word, you will discover how He intervenes in the lives of His children.
Just be humble and stop relying on what your mind can perceive. Seek His wisdom and don’t do anything without His presence. When you finally appreciate the His favors and opportunities, you will then discover effective ways to solve your problems.
Use what He has given you. Look inside your heart and discover your own gifts, talents, knowledge, and skills. You can use them to maximize everything that He gave. Don’t expect something to happen if you are not even willing to exert some effort. Give your all. Do your best, and you will slowly figure out what to do next. God will take you to a different perspective, and it’s where you will finally realize how blessed and gifted you are. His ways will be more evident in your life. You will walk along the path without fear because you gratefully anticipate His divine intervention.
Take heart! You are surrounded by His abundant resources. Your problems will be solved. Your misery will end. God will teach you how to make use of His blessings. He will let you grow in His presence, and you will be more sensitive to His moving. Do not be discouraged. You may think that you lack so many things in life, but the truth is, you are destined to live in abundance. Because of what Jesus did on the cross, you and I have the chance to access the His great blessings.