
God’s plans will Prevail

No matter how many plans you try to make on your own, remember that God will do what He wanted. It’s better to align your plans to His will so that you won’t be disappointed.

In Psalms 33:11 it says there,

“But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations.”

This verse reminds us to trust in God’s ways. We may not always see His hands, but we must keep our faith in Him. Treat this as a promise from God. It’s like a hope that you can hold on to when things are falling apart. God always wins. At the end of the day, no matter how much you exert effort for the things that you want, His purpose will still prevail. And it will stand firm forever. It will never change. So submit all your plans to Him so that He will be able to align you to His will.

Aside from the fact that God will fulfill His plans, in Psalms 33:16-18, we are also reminded not to trust in our own strength. It says there:

“No king is saved by the size of his army; no warrior escapes by his great strength. A horse is a vain hope for deliverance; despite all its great strength, it cannot save. But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love,”

We must rely on God and His unfailing love. We may think that what we have is more than enough to say that we can make it on our own, but we can’t simply escape just by our own strength. We need the power of God in our lives. We need to fear Him and abide in His ways so that we can overcome the obstacles that come our way. And above all, we will see His plans being fulfilled.

Right now, if you doubt about the bright future that God prepared for you, then remember what is written in the scripture. His plans in your life will be fulfilled. Just don’t trust your own strength. Instead, rely on God’s power and fear Him. Let your hope be rooted in His love, and you will see the wonderful things that He prepared.

Don’t worry if you commit so many mistakes in life. Know that you will still experience the bright future that He prepared as long as you trust and keep your faith in Him. He can always lead you back on track. He can take you to the path that He prepared for you. Just humble yourself, especially when you know that you made the wrong decision. Come to Him and do not run away. Ask for His help, and He will perform miracles in your life. Keep walking with Him, and you will experience His great blessings.

One Comment

  • marlyn sadioa

    Thanks for the inspiring messages. I appreciate every effort you are doing. Keep inspiring others specially those who need God’s guidance, courage and stregth