
God’s Presence Is Also In The Ordinary Things That You Do

If you think that you can only connect to God every time you go to church, read the bible, or even pray, then you really need to change your mind. God is everywhere. And He is always with you no matter what happens. You don’t have to do anything extravagant just for you to feel the presence of God. He is in the ordinary things that you do. So always put this in your heart, wherever you go, and whatever you do, God sees all of it, and He knows all the details. God is not far. He is closer than you think. He is inside your heart, and He will never leave you behind.

Remember Him, even if you are doing ordinary things. God is watching you while you are working or even cleaning your house. He is there when you prepare meals for your loved ones. God is supporting you in deciding what clothes to wear or even when you buy your groceries. He is there, reminding you where you misplaced certain things in your life. Believe it or not, God is watching you while you eat, drink, and sleep. Imagine that someone sees everything that you do. No wonder why He truly knows you on the inside because He has been watching over you even before you are conceived by your mother.

Sometimes, you can’t feel His presence because you think you need to do something extraordinary for Him to come. But in reality, He is already with you. All you have to do is to open your heart. Make Him the reason of everything. And only then will you begin to see things the way He sees it. You are actually surrounded by great miracles. It’s just you are too focus on the big things and forget to look at the ordinary things in your life.

Imagine that God is your best friend. You can talk to Him about everything. Even if you are doing simple things in life, you can always ask His help, and He will be in the midst. God is concerned about the details of your life. So treat Him as your companion in this journey. Yes, you are looking forward to great things to happen in your life but don’t allow your expectations to miss the simple yet amazing miracles that God prepared for you every single day.