God’s strength will help you Stand even if you feel so Broken
I know that it’s not easy. But you will only realize that God’s strength is in you when you find yourself still standing despite the pain you feel. You can only make it with Him. He alone can give you the kind of strength that will push you to stand and move forward. So never rely on your own efforts. Instead, surrender all your pain to God and let Him perform miracles in your life. You will know that God is moving when you still find the courage to get up even if you can’t understand what’s happening. That’s how He sustains you. He gives you the grace that you need so that you will receive the blessings that He prepared behind the brokenness you experienced.
You can make it through. Just don’t face life on your own. Surrender all your burdens to God, and He will carry them for you. Remember that His yoke is easy, and His burden is light. He will take good care of you. So trust in Him. He will do the impossible things in your life. You may think that there’s no hope left, but as long as you stay by His side, you will always be strengthened. He knows what you need. And He will fill your heart with faith so that you will no longer feel hopeless. Receive His love, and you will no longer be afraid to move forward.
Treat God as the ultimate source of your strength. Do not rely on your own efforts. You need His love. So come to Him and depend on His great power. He will give you peace and rest. He will comfort you. Offer Him all your pain, and He will heal your heart. Let His goodness give you the assurance that everything is going to be okay. Believe with all your heart that He will rescue you and take you to the place where you will experience true joy. Trust in His promises, and you will have the courage to walk even if you can’t see what’s ahead.
Sometimes, being able to overcome the pain inside is already a form of miracle. When you realize how weak you are, you will surely acknowledge the strength of God as the main reason why you make it this far. When you accept that you can’t do things on your own, you will learn to depend on Him and not on your own strength.

Thank you for the message its so very helpful ♥️♥️
Thank you. I needed to hear this TODAY