God’s underserved love will Transform the way you see Yourself
The negative voices in your head, the doubts that you have in yourself, the lack of confidence, and the lies that you believe in all these things will cease when you receive God’s underserved love. It is called underserved because it’s impossible for us to repay it. His love is perfect and so deep that you can’t contain it. And even if you only receive a small portion of what He has for you, still, it’s more than enough for you to be transformed and renewed from within.
This world will convince you to look for the kind of love that will satisfy your selfish desires, but it will only last for a moment. What you need is the kind of love that will strengthen and make your heart whole. You can find it in the arms of God. Seek Him first, and you will stop treating yourself as worthless. It takes a humble heart to accept His perfect love. People who hold on to their pride will fail to receive it. Only those who are humble enough to accept the truth that they need God in their lives can powerfully encounter more of His love.
The way you treat yourself is very important. It determines the quality of your life. If you consider yourself as someone who exists without a purpose, then you can’t help but feel hopeless. If you also think that nobody loves you, then you will live a miserable life simply because love is the fire that keeps your heart burning. It’s the light that you need, especially when you are in the middle of pain. You need it to survive and live this life to the fullest. Love shapes the way you make decisions and plans, so hold on to it while you still can. Learn to give it to yourself. Be kind to your wounded heart and surrender it to God. Acknowledge the truth that you are not a healer. Ask for His help and trust Him.
God’s love will help you see yourself in the right perspective. Sometimes, the pain in your heart will create fear that will hinder you from receiving the fullness of His blessings. You need His unfailing love to mend what’s broken. You can’t do it on your own strength. No matter how much you try. Your own wisdom and knowledge will never be enough. You must let God do His works. Offer everything to Him and let Him purify your soul. Allow Him to search your heart so that you can change how you see yourself. Listen to His gentle whisper and do not doubt in His ways. Let your faith be greater than your pain, and you will see the hope that you’ve been looking for. Remember that it’s not about your own efforts, but it’s allowing God to move in your life.
Be humble. Open your heart and receive His love. Don’t wait for something worst to happen before you learn to trust Him. God created you to depend on Him. He purposely designed your heart to long for the kind of love that never fails. Come to His arms, and you will experience what it means to encounter His love. It’s a beautiful gift that no one else can offer to you. Your creator alone knows what can truly satisfy your soul. And He is the only One who holds your identity. Rely on Him and believe Him when He says that your life is so precious.

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Nathaniel Myles