God’s ways are always Intentional
You may think that things happen in your life for no reason, but God is moving behind the scene. He already planned everything before He allowed you to face that problem. So take heart! He will never do something without a purpose. You may not understand what’s going on in your life right now, but believe that God’s plans are greater than what you can comprehend. He is leading you to the right people and the perfect solutions. You may fail to see the bigger picture but He is putting things together and one day, it will all make sense. Trust Him because He will surprise you with the blessings that He prepared. All your efforts and tears will never be wasted. God acknowledged your thoughts and He knows that you are doing your best.
God is an artist. He works in His own mysterious ways, and you can’t even guess the things He wanted to create. We can’t always easily comprehend His plans just by observing His hands. We need to wait until we see the beauty behind the things that He is doing. Sometimes, it’s not easy, especially when you feel so broken and tired. But the moment you will see the finished product, you will realize that everything you’ve been through is worth it. Remember that God always exceeds your expectation. He is the most talented Being who ever existed. Keep your faith and don’t lose hope.
Everything that happened in your life is not an accident. There may be moments when God will allow you to go through the wilderness and experience so much pain. But He will be there to walk with you. We may not understand the reason why we need to face those seasons but behind the bad things that happened in our lives are opportunities for us to increase our faith and develop our relationship with Him. Believe that God’s intentions are pure. He loves you so much. And He will never do something that will keep you away from Him.
Be excited because God will lead you to the right place. He is perfectly orchestrating the directions that you need to follow. His light is always there to guide you. Don’t worry. Know that you are in good hands. Remember that He is your Father, and just like your parents, He also wants you to experience the fullness of this life and enjoy His blessings. At the end of the day, you will realize that God’s ways are perfect and His plans are always the best.

Sudharma Karallyadde
Really healed in this morning..Thank
you ever so much for God”s kindness
& the spiritual strength I got even the past 2 days.I praise My Heavenly Father!..! & looking forward in future to receive even during the time we have planned with my partner… which may help him also to understand God”s grace I”m sure..in God”s grace he will… Amen!
Nathaniel Myles