
God’s Ways Are Different

I may have my own plans, but God’s will must prevail. His ways may sometimes be unpredictable, but his plans are better than my plans, and He sees things differently. These are the truths that I need to slowly accept, especially when I encounter situations that are out of my control. This may be hard to fathom, but what helped me the most was simply reminding myself about who God is.

He moves in ways I can’t always see. His hands are there, but they’re not always visible. That’s why I need to constantly remind myself that God is doing miracles behind the scenes despite the troubles and challenges I am facing. I may not know what He is doing, but one thing is for sure: His plans are always good. And all I need to do is trust Him.

However, believing in His words can be challenging. It takes a lot of courage and faith to hold on to His promises. It is hard to focus on the good things that He prepared when my present situation seems to be the exact opposite. Perhaps this is what it means to abide in His presence. This is what it looks like to trust Him. It’s about choosing to believe in His love over and over again.

It’s about accepting the truth that His ways are different. It’s about reminding myself that God’s goodness will prevail even when I can’t understand what’s happening. It’s about learning to surrender the plans that I have in mind and simply allow the Holy Spirit to take over.

God’s ways may be different, but they will always lead me closer to His heart. And this is what makes the journey worth it. The suffering will bring me back to His arms. The pain will teach me how to truly love. And the problems will soon strengthen my faith. In short, His ways are unique, but they are always perfect. He knows what I need.