
God’s wisdom will lead you to the Right Decision

If you are wondering about the next step that you need to take, come to God and humbly ask for His wisdom. He knows what’s ahead, so consult Him and stop relying on your understanding. There are important things in life that you need to learn. Sometimes, He allows you to go through a difficult path so that you will depend on Him. Let the Holy Spirit guide you to the proper mindset. Let Him change the way you see things so that you will know how to deal with the circumstances you are facing.

If you want to know the best things you can do, put God at the center of your life and listen to His voice. Be rooted in His great love. You can ask for some advice from others, but before you do that, talk to God first. Align your thoughts to His words so that you will know what advice you need to follow. Be familiar with His principles so that you will be guided.

The word of God will teach you about His wisdom. Open the book of Proverbs, and there you will discover practical steps on how to deal with most of your daily problems. Study the life of Jesus and the characters in the Bible. So that you will learn the way God moves and treats His people. This world may give you so much information that will build your knowledge and skills, but nothing beats the Bible.

If you want to know how it feels to receive His wisdom, then study the scriptures and saturate your thoughts with His instructions. Only then will you slowly learn to abide in His ways and do the right thing. Connect to Him every single day through your devotional time, and He will teach you how to weigh things and make decisions that will not just bless your life but also glorify His Name. Sometimes, it takes a long process, but just be patient and keep growing.

Let the Holy Spirit move and allow Him to speak. When you consistently read the Bible, you will be familiar with the voice of the Holy Spirit. Just be sensitive and let Him talk, especially in your prayer time. Many of us think that prayer is all about you presenting all your requests to God, but it’s more than that. It is a conversation between you and God. It’s where you can feel so connected to His love. Your prayer time will recharge you and give you the strength you need so that you can face your day with boldness. And most of the time, it’s where you can hear the Holy Spirit talking to you.

So every time you pray, just open your heart and ask the Holy Spirit to speak and give you instructions. Be patient. He will guide and reveal to you the things that you can do so that you will grow in God’s presence. Treat Him as your best friend, and you will have a great time together.

You will know it’s the right decision if you feel God’s peace within. You may have problems and challenges, but despite all your fears, you will receive God’s indescribable peace the moment you choose to follow Him. If God is with you, then you will receive His grace and favor. Yes, there are still obstacles and fears, but His unfailing love will give you the assurance you need.

One way for you to know if you are making the right decision is to recall the ways of God and how He led you to that place. If it gives you peace from the inside, then it means that you are doing the right thing. Just keep on praying and depend on God’s wisdom. Connect to Him and never hesitate to ask for His help.

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