

Life is indeed mysterious
Most of the time,
It will take you to different situations
Where you don’t know what to do

You made decisions,
Entitled to prove your choices
Get into the battlefield
Clueless about the armor to bring with

Then you keep in your mind
That you need to be strong
Remain faithful in your situations
And trust God in everything that will happen

But you find yourself falling
This time, you set up standards
Which you made yourself
But know that there’s a gift in failures

Failures are giving you a chance to grow
It teaches your patience
It is not trying to slap and defeat you
It teaches you how life works

You are human
You are not perfect
Always have that in mind
You are not capable of everything

The heart that allows you to learn
The mind that enables you to grow
Yes, you have loads of limitations
But that doesn’t show who you are

God disciplines His children
But most of all
He loves His children
So allow Him to teach you

Life may not change
But yours will
You will start to view it clearly
That there is beauty in it