Growth Always Takes Time
There is no such thing as instant growth
When it comes to Spiritual Maturity
We need to experience so many things
We need to climb mountains
We need to endure in the middle of the desert
We need to learn how to dance in the rain
Life will not give us something
That will make us grow instantly
God, Himself would love
To watch us grow slowly but surely
He is so patient in teaching us
He will not stop guiding us
That’s why if you are one of those people
who wanted to grow badly
And you want to experience it instantly
Then it’s time for you to take a pause
Come to think of it,
God is so patient with you
But you can’t do it for yourself
You wanted to make things happen in an instant
God would choose to wait until you grow
Yet you can’t wait to see yourself grow
Because for you,
Waiting is just a waste of time
But for God, it’s a very precious time.
For it will teach you how to be patient
It will teach you how to trust
And most of all, it is one of the keys for you to grow
Don’t be in a hurry,
Things will happen in God’s perfect timing
Learn to accept the truth that
God’s blessings will never be dependent on your timeline
He has his own plans
And it’s all for your own good
So instead of pushing things to happen
Learn to take a pause
And enjoy the presence of God in this season
Learn to treasure this moment
Because God is not punishing you
Instead, he is making you into a person
You could never imagine
He will mold your mind
He will change the way you think
He will mold your heart
He will make it even stronger
This is not a dry season
It’s just a time of learning and molding
Take heart! There is a vast harvest
After you get through this!

One Comment
Very beautiful poem, touches my heart and my soul especially in relationship to GOD. Yes dont be in a hurry, trust the process and do all the things that make us a good person in any bad situation comes. GOD teaches us in every situation in life if it’s a blessing or a lesson. Thank you Pursued for always reminding me that GOD is in control, we only just keep and increase our faith on him. And he will Thank you and blessed us always. 🙂