Growth Happens when you Reflect on the Consequences of your Decisions
There are events in your life that happened because of the decisions that you made. And unless you accept those situations as part of the outcome of your choices, then you won’t grow as a person. You need to acknowledge the results of your actions so that you will know the things that you can change in the future. The lessons may be hard to embrace, but if you keep on denying the things that you did wrong, then you won’t really see any transformation in your life. Be brave enough to admit the consequences of your decisions because that’s one of the best ways for you to be aware of what you need to do next. If you want to grow, then be humble enough to admit your failures. It’s not that you need to condemn yourself. You just have to accept the failures first so that you will learn.
You can’t comfort yourself if you keep on hiding your mistakes. Surrender them in the presence of God. Be honest and boldly mention the specific decisions that you committed. Allow the Holy Spirit to process your emotions. Ask questions and try to spot the things that went wrong. It doesn’t mean that you need to live in that place and dwell in the darkness. You just need to hold on to the lessons first so that your experiences won’t be wasted. You need to make use of the pain and turn it into a blessing. You need to transform the brokenness into something that will guide you in the future.
Reflect on your mindset. What were you thinking the moment you made that decision? How do you feel during that time? What were the factors that you failed to consider upon making that certain move? You need to articulate the things that are going on inside so that you will know where change should start. Don’t just move forward and do nothing about what happened. List down the lessons that you learned. Have a teachable heart and humbly accept God’s correction. Think of how you used to think and align them to God’s will. Seek His wisdom, and you will be guided.
You will only grow the moment you learn to evaluate your actions. It’s an intentional move that will slowly open your eyes to the real status of your heart. You won’t discover it if you keep on neglecting the things that you experienced. Yes, you may go through unexpected moments, but accept the truth that not everything that happens in your life is because of the things you can’t control. Some of them happened because of your decisions. You experience certain events because you choose to walk on that path. You forget to ask for God’s wisdom. And if you humble yourself and admit the wrong things that you did before, then God will be there to give you a better perspective. His wisdom and grace can absolutely restore your soul.