Have Faith Even If You Can’t Understand What’s Happening
Faith exists not in moments when you can see everything, but you will appreciate it when you choose to stay even if you can’t comprehend what’s happening. You may find it hard to look at the brighter things in life, especially when you feel so devastated by the situation you’ve been going through, but know that God is with you. He will give you the strength that you need. Hold on and choose to have faith. He sees everything that you are going through, and He wants to comfort you in this season. Let His love reign in your heart, and He will bless you with enough grace that will sustain you until the end. Your faith will give you the courage to face the difficulties in your life.
Just close your eyes and imagine that God is holding your hands in this season. He is helping you so that you will have the courage to get up and keep on walking. You may not know what to do, but remember that He will never leave your side. He is moving in the midst. Do not look at your circumstances. Instead, put your hope in God, and He will never fail you. When you find your problems so heavy to carry, then surrender it all to your heavenly Father. Follow His voice for His yoke is easy, and His burden is light. You will make it as long as you stop relying on your own understanding and strength.
Believe that God loves you much. He will take good care of you. Maybe you feel so broken right now but always put in your heart that His love can perform miracles in your life. It will build your faith, and it will take away the fears you have inside. Open your heart and let Him come in. Let Him heal your wounds, and you will see the light. Your past will no longer break your heart because God will turn it into a testimony. Your story will become a message of hope, especially for those who are lost and broken.
Stop seeking for explanations. Instead, put your trust in God. Remind yourself about His promises and focus on His great power. He can do all things. He created this universe. That’s how powerful your God is. Your problems may try to destroy your life, but God is bigger than what you are facing. Faith will only grow when you learn to take the next step, even if you can’t see what’s ahead. So move forward because God will be there for you.

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This Article Helped Me Greatly!!!! THANK YOU TO WHOEVER WROTE THIS and I Would Grately Appreciate More Uplifting Correspimdances!!!! I Am going through the hardest time of My Life! But I am coming Out the Other End Stronger and Definetly A Stronger Faith in My Heavenly Father God and My Savior Jesus Christ!! Thank You and Praise You for Any and All Help and Articles of Inspiration You Can Send Me Like the One Above!!!!! God Bless You and Your Families!!!! Love to All:) Wendy XOXO
Thank you for whoever wrote this. This is what exactly what I want to be reminded about trusting God into this difficult times. I felt enlightened and uplifted just reading this. Thank a lot! Godbless us all
Amen..im thankful for everything lord you’ve always been there for me …amen❤