Have Your Way Lord, I Surrender To You All My Pain
I’m left with no choice Lord. I don’t know where to go, I don’t know what to do. Maybe I’m just so tired of carrying all these burdens all along. I need you in my life right now. With my hands lifted high, I surrender to you everything that I feel inside. Have your way, Lord. I know that your plans are better than what I have in mind.
I thought that I can make it on my own. I tried to keep everything inside because I don’t believe that someone can help me. I’ve been dealing with this battle alone. But now, I can’t carry it anymore. It’s so heavy, and it feels like the pain is slowly killing me. So right now, I open my heart for your ways, Lord. I know I can’t see you, but I will use this little faith that I have inside. Help me, Lord. Please heal my heart.
I can’t seem to understand the things that are happening around me. I have so many questions in my mind. It feels so messed up inside, and I think I’m about to lose myself already. Father, I don’t know why I have to go through this kind of situation, but please move in my heart Lord. You know what’s going on inside. Remind me every day that there’s still hope, and I still need to go on.
Now I know what it means to surrender. I acknowledge that there are things that I can’t control in life, and You alone have the power to change everything. Give me a humble heart Lord, that I may be able to follow you even if I’m going through a difficult situation in my life. Teach me how to trust in you even more. Show me, Father, what your love really means.
I pray for your love to heal all the pain that I feel inside. Restore my broken past Lord. Let your presence be my ultimate guide. You are my Savior. And I do believe that you can do great things in my life. Forgive me for those times when I tend to doubt your love. And thank you for accepting me over and over again.
This is the cry of my heart Lord that I may feel your love even in the most painful moments of my life. I don’t know what will happen next, but I just pray for strength and courage that I may be able to face this by your grace.

Anton Magallanes
To: Krizajo.Tanduyan
Thank You. Praise the Lord. I have so many pains in life that until now I have not surrendered. This pain keeps of killing me inside. Ever since I was born, I never understand everything that is happening in my life. I did choose being in this situation. I try to do everything on my own, but nothing works. It took me almost 30 years to surrender it to him, and open my heart to the Lord. Now, I am opening myself to the Lord and having a humble heart. It is hard to trust especially when I have been through so many difficulties. Thank you for so much for inspiring me: I need to remind myself everyday that there’s still hope, and I still need to go on. Our broken past is very hard to heal, and we need our Lord to heal all the pain inside our hearts. We need the Lord in our lives from now onwards until eternity. I am happy that the Lord accept me and you over and over again. Let us feel his love and presence even we do not know what will happen next. We need to start trusting whole-heartedly with strength and courage. Let the Lord’s Love be our guide throughout our life including our dreams, health, and everything that our heart desires, that was placed there to guide us and inspire us. In everything I do, I will never say I will do this all by self. Now, I will say, let us work together Lord. We are now a team, you are my Hero, Lord. Our Lord is larger than life, powerful and miracle-maker, He knows what is best for all of us and He knows what is in our hearts. One day we hope that we get to understand why we get to go through all of this and thank the Lord for guiding us and showing us the way to his plans for all of us.
:-)Let us keep going with the Lord…
I feel so broken today…I needed to read this. Thank you so much! God bless you in a special way.
Anton Magallanes
*(correction from previous message)… I did not choose being in this situation…..