Heaven is not the Goal
Sometimes, we are so obsessed with heaven that we no longer remember the reason why it even exists in the first place. We are too caught up in finding the perfect place where we can find rest and peace. It became a goal that we needed to reach. It’s like looking forward to the reward and just forgetting about the purpose of why that reward even exists. We do things because we want to live there and not because we want to be with the Creator Himself. Heaven is not the goal. It’s just a manifestation of your relationship with God. So try to ask yourself: Why do you want to go to heaven? Is it just about finding the perfect place to live in? Or is it about finding the place where you can experience more of Jesus?
The goal is to have an intimate relationship with Jesus. It’s about living life not for the sake of going to heaven but for the sake of glorifying Him. It must come first. Live to honor His name. It means that you need to align everything to His perfect will. You need to consistently consult Him and treat Him as the King and Lord of your life. It’s about surrendering in His presence and giving Him the authority to change and mess up your own plans. And when you open your heart for His will, then that’s when you will be in heaven with Him. There will be so many instances when you will experience heaven even if you are still here on earth.
Heaven exists when you spend more time with your Savior. So don’t start your day listening to your own thoughts. Instead, fill your mind with His promises and miracles. Consistently approach His presence before you start your day, and only then will you be more sensitive to His ways. He will open the eyes of your heart so that you will learn to appreciate the blessings that He provided not just for you but also for the people you love. And when you see and taste His goodness, that’s when you will have an idea about what heaven truly is. It’s not just a place where you can rest, but it’s where you will feel whole and complete. Heaven is where you will find your true love. Heaven is when you are with Jesus.
You will always experience heaven every time you are connected to Him. That’s the reward that you will get. Every time you hear His voice, and you feel the Holy Spirit, that’s when you will find love and satisfaction. Hearing and connecting to Him is an opportunity that we can absolutely experience even if we are living in this broken world. It’s a gift that we can never pay. It’s a priceless and valuable treasure that can absolutely lead us to our purpose. So make use of that gift. Receive the Holy Spirit, and He will let you experience heaven here on earth.