Help The Broken
Do not look at the outside appearance
People may appear so strong on the outside
But you never know what they are going through on the inside
You may think that they are so independent
But deep within, they are asking for help
So in order for you to truly connect to them
You need to learn how to listen
Choose to genuinely listen to their hearts
And please do not judge them
Trusting someone may take a long process
But if you will never give-up
You will get to know the real them
And only then you will appreciate
who they truly are in the eyes of God
People simply wanted to build walls
Because they wanted to protect themselves
They already experienced traumatic events in life
And they no longer have the courage
To encounter the same pain
That’s why it’s very hard for them to trust others
But, if you will be patient enough,
just like what God did
Then you will get to know them
on a deeper level
And that’s the moment you can share
who God is in your life
You may be surrounded when difficult people
But I pray that God will give you the courage to love them
They are the ones who need love the most
They need to be reminded that God still exists
They must feel the love of God
so that their hearts will not turn cold
Only God can restore them
And He can possibly use your life
to bless those kinds of people
Look closer, and you will see their wounds inside
And only then you will feel
that they really need God in their lives
I pray that you will learn to be compassionate to others
This life is worth living if you learn to serve
those people who need some help
Allow God to teach you how to see
a better perspective in life
Do not just think of yourself
You are surrounded by broken and lost people
May God open the eyes of your heart
so that you will be able to see them

One Comment
Thank you for sharing the word of God. Every message that you posting I feel that God is talking to me. I am currently experiencing brokenness. I am feeling lost. But I found peace in the word of God. I know that he is sustaining me.