
Hide in the Shadow of the Almighty

Turn to your loving Father when you feel so weak. Allow His angels to cover and comfort you. When the trials of this world are too strong, hide in His shadow and rest in His presence. He will deliver you from the enemy. Put your trust in His power and stop relying on your own strength. Receive His grace and allow Him to give you the strength that you need. Cry in His arms, and He will appease the storms in your heart. When temptations and pain surround you, just hide yourself away in the arms of the Almighty. Turn to Him and let Him be the King of your life. Let His words give you the assurance and hope that you need. This world will offer you temporary shelters, but they will soon fade away. God alone will remain. He will stay faithful until the end.

When you are tired, seek His affection and love. You may long for someone to be there. But God is with you in everything that you do. You may not physically see Him. But His eyes are on you. He is there giving you the grace that you don’t even deserve. So gaze upon His beauty. Stare at His glorious throne, and let Him remind you of the impossible things that He can do. Remember what He did on the cross, and let it give you the courage to keep going. You are loved beyond measure. You may not feel His deep devotion for you but believe in things you can’t see or feel. And only then will you experience the kind of life that is full of His goodness and grace.

Depend on His ways. Hiding in His shadow means that you need to be still and know that He is the God who created this universe. Wait until He moves. Be patient, especially when your situation remains the same. The changes may not be that evident, but God is working on the inside. When the right time comes, the seeds that He planted in your heart will grow, and they will bear fruit that will bless not just your life but also the lives of the people around you. Do not trust in human wisdom. Listen to the truth that God revealed to you. Wait until He fulfills His promises. He will never disappoint you. There may be times when you feel broken, but that is part of the process. Just stay with Him, and you will discover the jewels behind every pain.

In Him, you will find rest. He can give your heart and mind a good break. He can set you free from the chaotic world that you live in. He can hide you away from the lies of the enemy. Just don’t face the battle on your own. Acknowledge His presence and embrace His love. Let His promises give you the confidence to keep walking despite the fear that you feel. Believe with all your heart that God is true to His words, and He will stay committed to you no matter what happens.