

The sun will shine after the storm
The flowers will bloom after the rain
And you will learn to smile again

You will see the bright light ahead
Just keep on walking
The darkness around you can never destroy you
Because you are simply surrounded by His great love

His faithfulness is like a powerful shield
against all your doubts and uncertainties
His grace will be your assurance
every time you face difficulties
And His love will be your only comfort
when you can’t face reality

You will be okay
It may not happen now
But someday you will be
Your heart will beat again
because of His great love

You will live this life without fear
And you will walk through the darkness with faith
Because you know that with Him,
You are always safe

Your tears will stop falling
Your heart will stop aching
Pain will no longer be your best friend
Because healing is coming

Hold on
Never stop believing
This painful season will end
You will rise up
And you will see the bright future ahead

It’s not yet the ending
So never give up
You will get through this

He is holding your hands right now
He is strengthening your heart
He is doing something great in your life
He is changing your heart
So trust the process and just wait


  • André Cronje

    This letter is so beautifully said. Blessed are you Krij’s because of your lips of kindness just as proverbs says. It’s your crown and his glory.

    • Dianne Bausa

      Thank you for this beautiful words of encouragement. You make me feel motivated and driven. My faith just keeps getting stronger because of people like you. May God bless your heart! 🙏💙