How to Handle Shame
Shame will keep you away from God
Sometimes, it exists because of pain and pride
Pain is the reason why you did unpleasing things
You wanted to mend your broken heart
And you look for ways
On how to take away the pain
You think that doing the things
that you want will heal you
But in the end, it leads you to death
You no longer hear the voice of God
That’s why you choose to do things on your own
And now, because of the sins, you committed,
You feel so shameful
And that’s when pride comes in
It happens when you choose
To keep yourself away from God
Guilt is trying to consume your heart
You keep yourself away from people
Because you think that you fail them
And you also fail yourself
Shame hinders you to receive God’s love
Because you hesitate to come to His presence
You think that you never deserve His love
Yes, nobody deserves the love of God
But if you keep on thinking about your mistakes
You will never recover from shame
The only thing that you need to do is be humble
Come to God
And humble yourself in His presence
Receive His grace
And acknowledge that you can’t save yourself
You need His forgiveness and healing
Do not be afraid
God is not like humans
He doesn’t look at your mistakes
He knows you from the inside out
And He loves you so much
So come back in His arms
For He is just waiting for you