How to Surrender the Pain?
This is one of the hardest questions I ever asked myself. When the wounds are so deep and they are still fresh, you will be tempted to think that healing is no longer possible. Sometimes, it feels like it’s the end of the world. Darkness, hopeless future, emptiness, and life without meaning – these are just few of the things you need to deal with.
This is the reason why it seems so hard to surrender the pain. But then, the good news is that Jesus did it first, and we can absolutely follow Him.
When He was on the cross, he was in pain and suffering. He was heavily wounded. But He never gave up. He still chose to love, forgive, and obey God. The pain did not lead Jesus to become a bitter and disobedient Son of God.
Instead, He used it as an opportunity for Him to love us even more and to honor the Father above all else.
Jesus chose to surrender the pain.
How did He do it?
He acknowledged God’s will by saying, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” He knew he was in pain, embraced his emotions, and allowed our Heavenly Father to take over.
Jesus also chose to forgive. In Luke 23:34, He says, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” He chose to release grace and mercy even while hanging on the cross.
Lastly, Jesus chose to submit His Spirit to God, “When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.”
He stayed with the Father even in His last breath. He remained in His presence even if He was wounded.
So, we can surrender the pain by acknowledging God’s people, choosing to forgive, and staying with Him until the end.