How you See things will Affect the way you Make Decisions
There are moments when making the right decision is too hard because your perspective in life is very different from what God sees. You tend to look at things the way you want them to be and fail to ask God’s guidance. You unknowingly rely on your own understanding. That’s why you find it hard to receive God’s peace. If you wanted God to lead you, then allow Him first to change the way you see things. Let Him reign in your life so that He can transform you into a better person. And only then, will He reveal to you the right decision that you need to take. The process is sometimes challenging, but as long as you put your trust in Him, then you will never walk along the path that leads to death.
Let God change your perspective. Be humble in His presence and acknowledge the truth that you need His guidance. You can’t make it on your own. You need to learn new things from Him. That’s why choose to grow in His presence and depend on His wisdom. God knows everything. And He will reveal to you the right thing that you should do as long as you learn to acknowledge Him in your life. Be patient when He allows you to go through challenges because that’s when God will change the way you look at things. Your experiences will shape you into a better person.
Read His word so that your mind will be filled with good thoughts. He will remind you about His promises and the way He works in someone’s life. How God deals with the characters in the bible will give you an idea about how He moves and teach His children. You can learn a lot of lessons in His word that will give you enough wisdom and guide you to make the right decision. Connect to Him every day, and you will slowly grow and be transformed according to His love and grace.
When your mind is renewed, then you will not find it hard to make decisions. You can easily recognize the will of God, and doing what is right is no longer hard for you. When your thoughts are purified, then you will see the goodness of God in your life. His ways will teach you how to handle the challenges that come your way, and He will let His light shine.