Humble yourself, and you will be Honored
The greatest among you will be your servant. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.
Matthew 23: 11-12, NIV
This world treats those who have the authority to command and dictate others as powerful and influential. People tend to consider those who are in the higher rank or those who are rich enough as honorable and worthy of our respect. But in the eyes of God, He gives honor to those people who know how to humble themselves and serve others. He looks at the heart and not the physical appearance.
He evaluates everybody’s motives. So if you want to be exalted in the presence of God, then you must learn to give yourself away so that others may live. You need to carry your own cross and surrender your selfish desires to Jesus. And only then will you learn how to be compassionate and genuinely serve those who are in need. Follow God’s standards and learn to look at the people around you the way God sees them. Honor those who choose to serve others and treat them with respect.
Sometimes, God works in ways you can’t understand. He humbles those who follow their pride, and He lifts up those who have a selfless heart. Even Jesus himself showed to us what it means to serve His people. He personally washed the feet of His disciples to remind them that His ministry is not about boasting the power of God and using His authority to control others, but it’s all about humbling yourself so that others may live. Keep in mind that God’s definition of great is very different from what this world thinks. He considers a person as worthy of honor if he chooses to offer his life for others. Being great in the presence of God means respecting others above yourself.
It doesn’t matter if people don’t understand you. What’s important is that God sees your heart and is pleased with what you are doing for His glory. Look at what Jesus did and follow His example. If He chooses to sacrifice His life for all of us, then who are we to neglect and disrespect others? Remember that your Saviour died not just for yourself but for the sake of all the people here on earth. So let’s not treat His sacrifice in vain. We must learn to serve those people that Jesus wants to save.
Pray that He will give you a compassionate heart so that you’ll learn to share the resources around you. Let His love consume you from the inside out so that you’ll stay motivated to serve others. You can’t live this life on your own. You need the power of God. So fix your eyes on Him and let Him take over. Be a vessel of His blessings, and you will be so fulfilled within.
The honor and success you will receive in this world are nothing if God’s presence is not with you. Your life feels so empty and meaningless if you will just live for yourself. Be humble in the eyes of God and acknowledge His sovereignty. Let Him reign and stop following your own will. Surrender your pride to Him, and He will purify your soul. Follow His voice and choose to obey. There may be times when you can’t understand His ways, but keep on serving Him, and when the right time comes, you will know what it means to truly serve and love God with all your heart.