I Am Weak, But God Is My Strength
I can’t imagine myself without God. If I face the problems that I have right now without Him, then maybe I already gave up and just do nothing about it. He became the source of my strength when I can’t take it anymore. He inspires me to move even if I have so many doubts inside. I know that I am weak, but God never fails to rescue me with His grace. His love motivates me to stand up. When my problems are too much, God is always there to carry me in His arms, and He gives me peace that surpasses all understanding.
I am just a human, and like you, I also feel so down sometimes. I also encounter problems and a lot of unexpected events. Maybe God purposely created us to feel weak sometimes because He wanted us to rely more on His great love. Even if we are not perfect, and we all commit mistakes, God still gives us the chance to experience the fullness of this life by simply providing us with enough strength. We may not understand why we need to go through some difficulties in life, but God’s grace will always be enough.
The love of God is the ultimate source of my strength. Every time I imagine the great blessings that He provided for me, I just can’t stop myself but feel in awe of what He is doing all this time. He never fails to amaze me with His love. Even though He moves in mysterious ways, I know deep inside my heart the He is doing something great, and it will always be perfect. When I’m bombarded with a lot of challenges, I just hold on to God’s goodness. I keep on reminding myself that this will pass, and God will replace the pain I feel inside with His joy.
He is the reason why I keep on moving. I need Him every day, and I just rely on His love for me. I know that I’m nothing without Him. So every time I feel so weak, I just run into His arms and allow Him to comfort me. His presence never fails to remind me that everything will be okay. His grace is always there to provide me with the blessings that I need. I know I don’t deserve this, but God is just so good because even though I messed up, He is always there to strengthen me with His love.