I Choose To Believe In God Not Because I Understand Him But Because I Experienced His Love
God is too mysterious for me to understand. His ways are very unpredictable. No one can really comprehend His great power. That’s why I gave up the thought of trying to understand everything about Him because, in the first place, that will never happen. He is just too deep and powerful for us to discover. So instead of putting everything in my mind, I just opened my heart so that He can come in. And the moment I experienced His love through what Jesus did on the cross, that’s the time I realized that I no longer need an explanation. His love will always be enough for me to believe in Him.
I believe in God because I experienced His goodness. He loved me for who I was and accepted me with all His heart. I know that I am nothing without Him. I need Him in my life, and I always depend on His grace so that I can make it. God was there when I needed Him the most. He rescued me from the pain that I experienced. I am who I am right now because of Him. I may not see Him personally, but I can see His hands moving in the midst. I choose to believe in Him, even if sometimes, I can’t feel His presence. When I face difficult situations in life, I just recall those moments when I encountered His love. Because it will remind me to believe in Him even if I can understand what’s happening.
There are also times when I try to comprehend everything. I want to know His thoughts. Sometimes, I want to hear His explanations, but God never gives me the exact answer I wanted to hear. He often stays quiet, and I know that behind His silence, God is teaching me how to trust in Him even in the midst of uncertainties. Maybe He purposely chose not to explain everything simply because He wants our faith to grow. He is teaching us to believe even in things that we can’t understand.
Change is the only constant thing here on earth. Life will never be the same again. There will be unexpected events. But despite all the questions inside, I pray that you will choose to believe in God simply because He also allowed you to experience His love. Just remember how God made you feel so secured and protected. Remind yourself about His goodness. And you will stop doubting Him. Instead, you will choose to trust Him even more.