Self Development

I Hope You Still Remember What Happiness Feels like

I don’t know exactly the things going on in your mind, but may you always find the courage to smile even if you are having a hard time. I know that it’s not easy, I may not feel what you truly feel, but always remember that what you are going through will never last. It’s just a phase in your life, and you always have the reason to still hope for the best, even if you feel like you are walking through the darkness.

The pain that you feel right now will soon end. Do not allow yourself to live in misery. I hope you never reach that point in your life when you already forgot how to be happy. Your worries already consumed you, and you tend to live life as if you are hopeless and empty. May you always remember all the good things in your life, even if you are still going through some struggles. Because all those good things will give you enough courage to face this current season you are in.

Do not allow your emotion to consume you. There’s so much more in life, and sometimes you fail to see the positive things because you are entertaining your negative emotions. It became the god of your life. And you unknowingly give up hope because you think that there’s nothing else that you can do. But the truth is, you are still surrounded by a lot of blessings. You just have to think of different things for you to clearly see all of it.

You need to believe that great things will still happen in your life. You are alive for a reason. And you still have a lot of things to do. So get up, and learn to handle your emotion. If you get through this, you will never be the same person again. You will be even stronger. You just have to decide to take the next step. It doesn’t have to be big, just take one small action at a time, and everything will be okay.

Good things will happen to you if you will just keep on thinking about it rather than focusing on the bad things that happened in your life. There is still some light ahead. Cheer up! Keep on going. Don’t forget to smile, because sometimes, it only takes a cheerful and grateful heart to heal the brokenness inside. You always have the reason to be happy, you just have to open your heart and mind.