I started Everything without Him
I know that this is the biggest mistake I have ever made. I started all my plans without God. I did what I thought was right. And I failed to even ask Him about what He wanted to happen. I followed my own feelings and did the things that made me happy. Yes, I felt delighted at first. I was consumed with my own desires to the point that I failed to consider the consequences. And now, I’m carrying everything. I never thought that what I did would lead me to this place. My heart shattered, and my dreams turned into misery that I wanted to end. And now, I realized that I was so wrong. I should’ve sought advice. I should’ve listened to people who are already walking ahead, and above all, I should’ve included God in everything. I know that what happened in my life is part of my decisions, and accepting the difficult truths made me long for God even more.
It’s all my fault, but despite everything, God still accepts me for who I am. When I realized that my life was all messed up, I turned back to Him and asked for His forgiveness. I thought He would not answer me or welcome me in His arms, but what He did was the exact opposite. With arms wide open, God embraced me with His love and made me feel that I am not my mistakes. I am not the bad things that I did. I am His child, and He is my Father. He poured out His grace to me in ways I can never imagine. He reached out His hands and held me in His arms even if I felt so dirty and messy. He turned His face to me and looked at me with delight as if I never committed something wrong. He welcomed me, and that’s when I realized that this was all I wanted all along. I just want to feel loved. I just want to be truly happy, and I found it in His arms. Because of what He did, my cold heart turned into something I can’t explain. A warm feeling bursts out inside, and it made me feel so satisfied.
What God did is an important reminder for me that I can never live this life on my own. No matter what I do, wherever I go, I always need His love and guidance. I must rely on His strength and trust with all my heart that He will sustain me in the end. God turned my wrong decisions into lessons that changed my life for the better. He opened my eyes to the consequences that I need to face, especially when I do things without His approval. And He made me feel that my failures should not hinder me from trusting Him even more. And when I commit a sin, I should not walk away from Him. Instead, I need to humbly ask for His grace to reign.
Putting God at the center is always the best thing to do. It’s Him who knows everything. He knows what I need, and He sees what’s ahead. He is aware of all my doubts, and He knows how to manage my complaints. This life may not be perfect but spending it with Him makes all the sacrifices and tears worth it. I never knew that all this time, I’d been running away from Him. I thought that I could make it on my own. I thought that I was right all along. But the detours and challenges that I experienced opened my eyes to the wrong things that I did. It made me realize who God is. He is my creator and my Father, and He should be put first.