
I Tried my Best to be Okay

I went to so many places
Meet different people
And l looked for love
In the arms of those
I used to call family and friends

But still, pain is there
No matter what I do
I always encounter heartaches

And I hate it
I hate to see myself crying
I hate to admit that I am hurting
I can’t find a safe place
Where I am free to be myself

I did everything on my own
Little did I know
That all this time
I can actually ask for help

I can call upon His name
And I can open my heart for His love
All along
God is just waiting for me to surrender
The things that are bothering my mind

I thought that I could make it on my own
But every time I try so hard
I feel so exhausted inside

Now, I know
I am not meant to live this life on my own
God is with me
And I should enjoy His company

I may not see Him
But He is protecting my heart
He is holding my hands
And He is helping me
Throughout the journey

Now I know that He alone can heal me
My soul finds rest and peace
So, I quit trying to fix myself
Instead, I allowed Him
To mend the broken pieces