I will still declare His Goodness even if I feel Exhausted from Waiting
Enemies are chasing me, while some of them are against me. My pride rose and took control of my actions, making me do things I was not supposed to. Sometimes I forget how to calm down because the force of doubt becomes so great that I forget what God told me. I took risks, and I made mistakes. I made everything about myself because I felt like I was losing time. I feel like I am left out and alone. I sometimes disobeyed because I was too afraid. I rush myself and forget that things take time. However, no matter how great my doubt is, there’s one thing waiting for me. Then I realized the more I ignored His promises, the more He would make a way to have me back. In every disobedience and unfaithful act I did, His goodness never ceased to find me. Then I find myself back in His love.
God’s promises are always with me. Sometimes I feel exhausted waiting for my desires to come true, but the waiting season will never be wasted for things that take time. The circumstances I have now might feel like everything is against me, but I still believe that the One who brought me to this place is more incredible. He will provide for me until His promises are fulfilled. Until then, He will help me find the strength and courage to reach my destination. I know that His plan is greater than the one I have. Although not at all times that I will understand how He moves in my life, I will still choose to bring my knees in His presence. My mouth will still declare His goodness, and my heart will forever be His.
God is in every corner and season of my life. His love never stopped embracing me. There might be times when I feel so lonely. But remarkable is that I could be transparent and vulnerable in His presence. I could cry and sob over everything. I could tell Him my secrets, fear, and pain. He never judged my words. Instead, He made things happen in my life, making me realize that all this time, He was just teaching me. He is teaching me how to understand and accept myself. He made me see that the things that I desired started within me. He molded and healed my heart and assured me that help was always available. He taught me how patience works and why I needed it. He provided me with resources and people who could guide me.
There’s nothing sweeter than having God’s promises within my heart. It gives me peace amidst noise and chaos. It made me realize the real treasure is found within. It made me see that joy starts with acceptance. Accepting my reality and situation and turning it into an opportunity for growth. The things I desire and pray for may not be that visible now, but I will still choose to believe in Him. I will be strengthened by His promises and make everything in my life all about Him. My life is His and for His glory. Everything I am and I have is about His greatness and love.

One Comment
This is exactly how I feel from the start. I felt like giving up and very exhausted, lost and questioning my existence, devalued and hesitant, as life throws so much pain and confusion, and I am waiting for my desires to come true. Honestly, I am thankful for this message, and I felt it is for me to reflect. I need to accept my reality and myself. God brought me to this place then God will provide for me until His promises are fulfilled in my life. Until then, God will help me find the strength and courage to reach my destination and for my desires to come true, AMEN.