I Will Wait
I will wait
I will wait until you say “yes”
I will wait until you say “go”
I already have too much of it Lord
I can’t manage to handle the pain
if I continue to do it with myself
I know this time around Lord,
You will never leave me
I know that you alone can make everything new
So I will choose to wait on your promises to come true
Father, forgive me
Because I forgot to consult you with my decisions in life
Forgive me for those times
when I tend to neglect you Lord
I’m so sorry for not prioritizing you
I thought that I am all alone in this battle
I felt that I need to face life on my own
I just forget Lord, that you are with me all along
I forget to thank you for everything
I unknowingly ignore you Lord along the process
And I’m so sorry for that
I’m so amazed by your love Lord
Even though I tend to forget you
You still remain so faithful to me
You never give up Lord
You never stop pursuing me
Even though sometimes I feel so worthless
But Your love always reminds me that
I am worthy
Thank you so much Lord
I will no longer rely on my own understanding
I will trust in your ways Lord
I will treat you as my God
I will include you, Lord, in everything that I do
I will wait for your approval Lord
Thank you so much for everything,

One Comment
Hearfelt and touching.