
If It’s The Will Of God, Then It Will Certainly Happen

You don’t have to force the things that God already planned even before the day you are born. If it’s His will, then it will certainly happen according to His perfect timing. There are important things in life that you need to surrender especially certain situations that are out of your control. If you think that you no longer have the power over it, then learn to raise your hands in the presence of God and surrender all of it. He will take good care of you. Just wait and be patient along the process. Do not be afraid because your Heavenly Father has great plans for you. Instead of taking matters on your own, just learn to lift it all to God and let Him move.

His plans are always for your own good. So stop forcing the things that are not meant to happen. Trust God and just do the right thing. Include Him in your plans and listen to His instructions. Let His words guide you to the right path. Do not just rely on your own understanding. Remember that God knows everything, and He wants you to experience the best things in life. You can take charge of the things that you can handle, such as your emotions and personal responsibilities in life, but when it comes to the circumstances around you, the best thing that you can do is to surrender it all to God because He alone has the power to help you. You can’t control those things, and you will feel so frustrated the moment you realize that there’s nothing that you can do to change what’s happening around you.

Just trust in His perfect timing. God will help you. Pray for a humble heart to accept His will and let Him perform miracles in your life. Do not push yourself too much to the point that you already feel so stressed inside. Stop comparing yourself to others. Learn to appreciate your own timeline because God uniquely planned everything for you. God knows exactly the things that you need and when you need them.

Remember that the will of God will always prevail. You may go through so many circumstances in life, but no one can change the fact that God prepared a great future for you. Just choose to listen to His voice and abide in His ways. He will direct and mold you if you will just allow Him. Let your Heavenly Father hold your hands, and He will lead you to His great plans.