If you can’t see the Light Ahead, Look Back and Remember God’s Faithfulness
There are days when you can’t find your way out. The future is so blurry, and it feels like you are surrounded by darkness. If you can’t see hope in the present, choose to remember God’s faithfulness. Look back and recall the amazing miracles that He did in the past. Reminisce those moments when He protected you from the wrong choices. Know that if He took good care of you before, then He will certainly do the same thing over and over again. God has been so faithful in your life. He gave you blessings more than you deserve. Yes, you went through devastating moments, but you can never deny the fact that God has been holding your hands all this time. He is guiding you with His light. That’s why now is not the time for you to doubt Him.
Let your victories in the past lead you to overcome your problems in the present. Use them as your inspiration. Look at the areas that God allowed you to grow and prosper. Focus on the changes that led you to see life from a better perspective. Let the breakthroughs you experienced remind you how good and amazing God is in your life. Sometimes, when you keep on focusing on your fears and pain, you will somehow neglect the blessings that God provided. The best thing that you can do to stay on track is to keep in mind the great plans of God. He will never waste everything that you experience. Every obstacles and victory are part of a big story. Keep moving, and soon you will discover the purpose behind the incomprehensible things you went through.
Remember how God led you to where you are right now. The hands that saved and guided you all along never gave up on you. Look back and try to recall those days when He led you to unexpected twists and turns. Try to appreciate how things turned out to be beautiful even though you went through unexpected battles. Listen to the voice that keeps on telling you that you are worth fighting for. Remember His loving kindness and stay rooted in the right foundation. Let the miracles that God did serve as a lighthouse that will remind you of life’s purpose.
Choose to keep your faith and recall the happy moments you had with Him. Life may be tough, but if you just try to look back with a grateful heart, you will see the unfailing grace of God. You will realize how blessed you are because of the people that He allowed you to meet and the places that you visited. Every good thing in your life comes from God. If He was able to protect and save you before, then for sure, His love will always remain no matter what happens. So don’t be afraid weary soul. Your Father in Heaven is always excited to give you the best things in life.