If you Commit a Mistake, then Just Humbly receive God’s grace
Running away from the presence of God can never give you peace. It will never solve the problems and heal your pain. So if you know that what you did is wrong, then come to Him, and He will accept you. With a humble heart, choose to receive the grace of God. Yes, He hates sin, but He will never condemn you. He will forgive you as long as you repent and decide to do the right thing. Your mistakes can never change the love of God. So do not focus on the impurities in your heart. Instead, look at the goodness of God in your life and let His love compel you to change into a better person. This is not about what you did, but it’s all about the great love that He wants to pour out for you.
Allow God to love you. Open your heart and let Him heal the wounds inside. You may have so many regrets in life, but do not live according to the bad things that happened in the past. Look at the blessings around you and open your eyes to wonderful things that He is doing all this time. God treasures you. He accepted for who you are, so you don’t have to be afraid. He is the only one who deeply understands you. Embrace His love and allow Him to reign. You don’t have to make any effort. All you need to do is receive Him in your life, just like how you receive a precious gift.
Be humble. Acknowledge the truth that you can’t save yourself from the fires of hell. You need the blood of Jesus to purify you from your sins. So instead of doing things on your own, come to God. Ask for help and let Him change you. Depend on Him and not on your strength. Call upon His name, and don’t live the day without connecting to Him. Rely on His words and follow His instructions. Let Him be the only source of your confidence. Being humble means, you choose to accept His will in your life, even if sometimes you can’t understand what’s happening.
God’s grace will help you see things differently. So receive it like a gift. You don’t have to earn it because it’s impossible for humans to repay it. So the best that we can do is humble ourselves. Never allow your mistakes to hinder you from growing in His presence. When you know that you committed a sin, please choose to embrace His grace because that’s the only thing that can set you free from guilt.

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Nathaniel Myles