
If You Feel Like Giving Up, Just Think About The Faithfulness Of God

Walking in a very dark tunnel and carrying a heart that is so broken is never an easy thing. You sometimes feel so empty and hopeless because you can’t see any light at all, and you think that there’s nothing else that you can do. But the truth is, there is still a way for you. If you can’t see anything, then close your eyes and try to imagine the good things that God did all this time. Recall the happy memories you have with Him and remember that if He could do it in your life before, then He could possibly do it again soon. He is faithful enough to fulfill all His promises in your life.

It’s all in your mind. The way you see things reflects on how you respond to every situation that life throws at you. If all you can see are the negative things, you would probably give up and lose hope. But if you will condition your mind to think of the amazing things God did in your life, then you will start to see your situation from a different angle. The more you remember His faithfulness, the more you realize that there is more to life than what you’ve been going through right now.

Do not focus on your situation. If you just look at what’s in front of you, the difficulties and struggles will consume your thoughts. You will miss out on the importance of your season because all you see are things that make you weak and not the things that will make you strong. So instead, try to lift up your head and look forward. Only then will you realize the great things that God prepared for you all this time.

Remember the promises of God in your life. Hold on to it and embrace it with all your heart. Because one day, you will see everything that He said will come true according to His perfect timing. If you only realized that you are already surrounded by a lot of God’s promises, and all you have to do is claim and receive it, you will surely get through the test in front of you.

God is faithful. It means that His words will never change, and He fulfills all of it. He said that He will never leave you nor forsake you. Put it in your heart and know that whatever it is that you are going through right now, God is always with you. And He will stay no matter what happens.


  • Diana Marshall

    Your article is beautifully explained, encouraging and touching. It almost moved me to tears because of its sensitivity and appropriateness. I think there are times when quite a few us might feel this way and your article would be a great help. It has helped me.Do keep up the good work and may the Lord bless you. Thank you

  • Antoinette BrownEdwards

    I always read your presentation..they are very encouraging, thought provoking, Bible based, accurate and uplifting.