If You Feel So Burdened Inside, Remind Yourself To Look At Life Through The Eyes Of A Child
Life can be so heavy sometimes, especially when you are already an adult. There are things that you just can’t control, and you unknowingly react negatively to some situations that you encounter. You need to handle big responsibilities. You will encounter stressful moments. You will be challenged and tested along the way. In life, there will always be burdens. And when you feel like giving up, you need to be reminded about the important things that you tend to ignore. Most of the time, an innocent child can powerfully open your eyes, and they will inspire you to live a simple life. They will remind you about the most important treasure that you need to put in your heart. If you only look at life the way a child looks at it, you will learn what genuine happiness is all about.
A child will remind you to appreciate the simple blessings in your life. The negative situations you encounter will sometimes hinder you from experiencing the goodness of God. When you are just too bombarded with so many problems, you forget to appreciate the simple things that God provided for you. But through the eyes of a child, you will see things differently. You will treasure the food that you eat every day. You will feel amazed every time you see some butterflies in the garden. You will feel excited the moment you hear your father or mother’s voice from afar. Everything just feels so light and simple.
The smile of an innocent child is like a powerful message that says there are things in life that money can’t buy. This world can never buy genuine happiness. A child can simply put a smile on your face the moment you see him so happy and excited. They don’t need extravagant things to be happy. A simple toy, a gentle touch, a jolly song, and a giggle are enough for them to laugh and be happy. What they need is just to feel loved and treasured. It’s a powerful reminder that you can be happy even if you can’t get everything you want. What you need is someone who will love and support you all along the way.
Just like a child, you will experience pain, and sometimes fall down. But what made them unique and special is that when they are finished crying, they can instantly put their smiles back and laugh as if nothing happened. Yes, it’s hard to do it, but let their innocence remind you that life is beautiful. It’s a precious gift from God. So instead of focusing on the burdens you feel inside, look at the things around you. Remember that you are surrounded by a lot of wonderful blessings.

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I like these comments try to feel like child.