Self Development

If You Know Who Are Then People Can Never Break You Down

How you receive criticism matters in the way, you see yourself. Negative comments will attack your identity, and if you don’t know the real you, then it would be very hard for you to ignore the hurtful words you receive from other people. You are the only person who can manage your emotions. And the best way to do it is to strengthen the way you look at yourself. You know who you are, so never allow other people to dictate your identity. They never really witness everything that happened in your life. They don’t have any clue about the things that you are going through. So instead of listening to them, choose to listen to your heart and the people who truly love you. They are the ones who will never leave your side.

Seek your identity in the Lord and listen to Him. He is your creator. He knows everything about you, including the struggles and the pain you have inside. He is the only one who knows you from the inside out, so believe in Him. When He says that you are not a mistake, then choose to keep that truth inside your heart. Do not listen to the lies of the enemy. You are loved by God, and that will never change. He prepared a bright future for you. So pray that you will always hear His voice. Let Him be the source of your strength, and no one else can destroy your life.

God will allow you to get to know yourself. You will go through the process. Most of the time, it’s going to be very challenging. You will receive rejections and many negative comments, but know that God is strengthening your heart. He is building your faith so that you will not be easily shaken. Just be patient and know that when God moves, everything will be okay. You will discover your strengths, weaknesses, and talents along the way. When that day happens, you will no longer allow other people to hurt you because you already know your purpose and the things that God wants you to do.

No one can break a person who has a strong foundation. And that’s the love of God. As long as you know in yourself that you are loved and accepted by the One who created this universe, you will always have the strength to overcome the negative words you heard from others. You will learn to live as His child, and you will never let the enemy control your mind.