Self Development

If you want to Grow, then try not to Pressure yourself to be Right all the Time

Everyday of your life, you’ll face situations wherein you need to choose. Like a default, you will always think of the right thing to do. Doing what is right seems to become your way of life. In the things that you are involved in, you can say that you did the right thing when the outcome matched the expectations but, you will sometimes label it wrong when it results in uncomfortable and painful situations. Well, it is not a surprise that doing what is right is what you should always think. It is a must, but there will be times in life when thinking always to be right will not help you. Instead, it will pressure you to force yourself and the situation to align with what you have in mind. 

Trying to force yourself to avoid being wrong won’t help you grow. Remember that when you set foot in this world, you are like a cup to be filled. You learned the things around you. You know what is right and wrong, the consequences of actions, and the product of efforts. Your life is filled with the things that are yet to happen. It is fine to go through painful moments. It is normal to feel and do the opposite of what must be.

Try not to overthink the situation; feel free to open up and let yourself learn. Being right is not the essence of your life. Your purpose will guide you despite your mistakes, faults, and wrong actions. Turn your bad decisions into a challenge that you have to conquer. An opportunity to grow and to teach yourself important lessons.

God knows your imperfections. He knows what could hurt you and what could make you happy. He understands that you must take risks and be involved in wrong decisions to learn and grow. He is patient when you are still learning. He knows the product of your choices and why He lets you choose things in your life. The important thing is that He never leaves you. Have in your heart that God is patient with you all the time. He is not expecting you to be right all the time. You are not perfect, but you are beautiful in your way. You have many things you can do to glorify His name and let it be shown in your life. So do not pressure yourself constantly to be correct. There will be moments when you will be taught how to humble yourself and accept the things that need to be done. You are not dumb. You are still learning, and plant that in your heart. 

Sometimes, you need to take risks to grow. When it happens, remember that the future is not yet figured out. So do the best and be the best that you can at the moment. Let your tomorrow deal itself. Handle things one at a time and let God teach you His ways. Involve Him in all your decisions and make Him a vessel for everything you do. Put Him forth and always ask for His wisdom. Let Him be your constant. You may feel Him or not. Always declare His presence in your life. Always remember that you are still learning, and God has a lot of things to still teach you.