I’ll Choose To Praise You Even If It Hurts
When the pain is just so deep inside, I know that singing hymn of praise is very challenging. When I am so down, and I wanted to cry out, I just lift up my hands and surrender to Him everything. I know that praising Him is not easy, especially when it hurts inside, but it is the best thing to do when I’m so empty and hopeless.
I can’t think of any other solution but simply to lift His name even in brokenness. It reminds me of the great things that God can do in my life. It is a powerful act of faith that simply means that I trust in Him, even if I don’t know what’s happening all around me. God is my only refuge in times of trouble. He is my only strength when I can’t take it anymore.
God is my source of confidence. When I am so weak and down. I just ask for help, and I know that He will never fail to help me when I need Him. The pain that I feel in my heart right now is just temporary. I know this will end someday, but God’s love will always stay with me no matter what happens. That’s what I’ve been holding on all this time. I know that He will never leave me.
His presence never fails to comfort me every time I choose to praise Him. He always reminds me of his greatness. Worship is like a powerful reminder for me of His great love and power in my life. It lifts me up. It gives me hope to rise up and try again. I need to do it more than anything else. It’s the only thing that can help me feel at ease.
I am nothing without Him. That’s why every time I feel so devastated, I always lean on His shoulders. I come like a child crying on His knees, asking for comfort and relief. I know that He alone can help me. I rely more on God than myself. I depend on His goodness rather than depending on my own strength. He is more than what I could’ve asked for. God is my home, and in Him, I always find rest.
I pray that you will feel the same thing, especially when you are so down and broken. Let God move in the midst. Put Him first and choose to praise Him even if it hurts. One day, He will heal your heart. I pray that you will choose Him more than anything.

One Comment
Beautiful words..inspiring to praise God even when suffering.