I’ll Raise my hands because God helped me Stand
I know that I will never be here without God. He is the reason why I am still alive. There are days when I want to give up and leave everything behind, but He never fails to remind me who I am in His eyes. I saw myself as a failure. Every time I commit mistakes, I can’t help but feel so frustrated and disappointed about what I did. I blame myself for everything that happened to me. That’s why, when I encounter problems, I tend to carry so many regrets and pain. But little did I know, God was already moving. While I was crying in silence, He was there doing miracles behind the scenes. I don’t know how He did it, but I slowly recognized His love and comfort. He keeps on telling me about my true identity. He never gave up. God helped me stand. And now, I learned to raise my hands despite my circumstances. And this is not because of my own strength. But it’s all because of what He did in my life.
God is my number one supporter. He never fails to give me everything I need. Yes, He may not always answer all my prayers, but later on, He will teach me why He wanted me to wait. I learned that not all I want in life are best for me. Some of them are not really necessary. He taught me how to trust Him even when I can’t understand His ways. He gave me the courage to wait even in moments when I felt weary and tired. He had already prepared everything for me. There may be moments when I tend to neglect His blessings, but still, He continues to give me favors and opportunities. He supports me in everything I do. He inspires me to become a better version of myself. When I keep thinking about the negative things, He never fails to remind me about His great love and promises.
Even though I committed so many mistakes, God never gave up on me. He showed me how perfect His love is. And keep on reminding me about the bright future that He prepared. He encouraged me to take another step and keep going. I was so full of myself. I keep thinking about my desires, but He accepted me for who I am. He never condemned me or made me feel like I was a stranger. He embraces me with His love. And even until now, He remained faithful in my life. I can never describe what He did just to save me from my failures. I carried so many regrets, but He allowed me to appreciate the important lessons I needed to learn. He mentored and instructed me to take another step and begin again.
His goodness is the reason why I choose to raise my hands and rejoice. He lifts my soul. He renewed my strength. And just by thinking about what He did, I can’t help but praise His name. He is so kind and loving. He is worthy of all the glory and honor. He doesn’t look at my actions. Instead, He sees my heart. He purifies my soul. His unfailing love is the reason why I receive the peace that I can never contain. There are still things that I can’t comprehend, but despite of everything, I will continue to please my Heavenly Father. For without Him, I’ll never experience true life.

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Nathaniel Myles