
Imagine a life without God

Imagine your life without God
What if you can’t feel His presence?
What if you choose to live on your own?
Will you feel whole and complete within?

May you always remember the One
Who genuinely loves and cares for you
Choose to honor Him
In everything you do

Learn to love Him
More than you love anyone
He deserves your all
He is worthy of your efforts

He is not your genie
God is your father
So grow closer to His heart
Do not walk away from Him

He is the only One
He can give you real happiness
He will teach you righteousness
He will open your heart

Wait for His hands to move
And let God purify your soul
Glorify Him in everything you do
Treat Him as the King of your life

Choose to please Him
Life is empty without God
It’s like living in darkness
And you can’t find your way out

So humble yourself
And come to Him
Call upon His name
Seek His help

Trust in his power
Believe in His goodness
Never live a life
Away from His presence