Imagine that You are on an Adventure
You are traveling through
the unknown road called future
And while you are going through
the path called life
You realized that
the adventure you are in is so uncertain
You never know what’s ahead
You are clueless
about what will happen next
And you don’t even know
When your trip will end
While you are focusing
on the obstacles in front of you
You failed to enjoy your adventure
And while you are so worried
about the broken path you are taking
You suddenly realized
that you are at the end of your trip
Soon, your journey will stop
Because you finally arrived
at your final destination
And as you recall your adventure
You learned that your trip on earth
is too short
Your life turned into memories
And the sad part is
you can’t remember
the happy moments you had
Because you are too focus
on the things that disappoint you
Your life was full of pain
Because you choose to entertain
the things that are broken
Instead of focusing on the blessings
While you are still on an adventure
Please remember that your trip is too short
If people will mistreat you
Then remind yourself
that your journey will not last forever
Focus on what matters most in the end
If you have so many problems
Remember that your life is just temporary
So do not spend your remaining days
focusing on the negative things
Set your eyes on God
And you will enjoy
your journey here on earth
Your life will turn
into a memory one day
And may it be full of good memories
Memories that will take you to eternity