Important Things In Life That You Can’t Change
There are moments in life when we are tempted to change something or someone, but we fail to do it. Not because we didn’t try our best, it’s just there are certain truths in life that we need to face. There are instances that we can never really change. So instead of pushing things the way you wanted it to be, why not give yourself the chance to accept it?
Here are the three things you can’t change:
1. People
No amount of earthly love can change anyone. So stop pushing yourself too much. If the person you love doesn’t want to change despite all the things you already sacrificed, then it’s time for you to stop. Instead of trying to change them, why not pray for them. Only the love of God can change someone. So you better surrender him/her to God. Love them without asking anything in return and let God transform their hearts. Sometimes, God just wants us to be part of the audience. So let Him do His thing and stop carrying everything on your shoulders.
2. Past
You can’t change your past. Even if how painful those memories are, you can never go back and change it. But the good thing is, you can always move forward and do the best that you can in the present. Your past will still hunt you if you will never learn to let go of it. So, I pray that you will always have the courage to face those unforgettable moments. I know that it’s not an easy thing to do, but you can always ask God’s help to heal all the pain inside. One day, you will be able to see the past the way God sees it.
3. Failures
Your mistakes will always be there. You don’t have the power to erase it, but you can still see it in a brighter perspective. Remember that there’s always a beautiful lesson behind all the failures that you experienced in life. You just have to accept those lessons and apply it in your present. Some of those mistakes are really costly and painful. But everything will be worth it one day. Do not take it for granted, because the lessons will lead you to the future God destined you to experience.
We may not be able to change other people, our past, and failures, but God will always help us. So do not give up. Instead of changing the things you can’t control, why not allow God to take over and let Him perform miracles in your life.

One Comment
Mary Antonette Aniceto
Daily Devotions here are very enlightening and inspiring. I love reading those and it’s written very well making it easier to comprehend.