In God’s perfect moment
A day will come
The delays in your life
And the unexplainable events
Will make sense
God does listen to prayers
He is making His plans work out
Always remind yourself that
He knows what perfect timing is
If you think that it’s too late
Then remember, He can do great things
So never rely on your own
For God knows the best thing to do
He works in every detail
His purpose is always greater
He is molding you right now
He is building your character
He is teaching you how to trust Him
So hold on to your faith
Do not worry about tomorrow
God knows what you need
He will give you enough blessing
God loves you so much
Always remember His promises
Because He will never forget all of it
He will fulfill His promises in time
Maybe you feel hopeless now
Because you can no longer find the way
But believe, He will lead you
He will show you His great power
He still performs miracles in your life
Be patient along the process
God is just preparing you

One Comment
Dear God make a way for me, where the seems to be no way in Jesus name Amen.