
In Heaven

In heaven,
There will be no pain
Your hard time now
Will soon meet its end

You may think there’s no hope
You want to quit and stop everything
If you are tired of your situation
And feel everything is giving up

Always remember that God
Prepared great things for you
Misery will end
You’ll experience healing and joy

But until then,
Continue to do the right thing
Keep pressing on
Don’t give up

A wonderful place is waiting
God is cheering you up
Pain is just a temporary thing
It will soon be changed with joy

When you get to heaven
There will be rejoicing
You will live in eternity
And your will experience God’s glory

When the time is right
God will give you your reward
And it’s greater than what you can perceive
So, just hold on to His promises

Let the pain lead you to God’s heart
Let the challenges teach you
To trust in Him
And to believe in His ways

So don’t be discouraged
One day, you will no longer
Experience hardships and pain
Instead, only God’s love will reign