
Incomparable Joy

If you want to be happy
Then always remember that
It is not about getting everything
That you want and dream for

Happiness is more about
Appreciating what God has provided you
You are surrounded by His goodness
Only if you will open your eyes to it

You will then be overwhelmed
With the undying grace that He provided
You will suddenly realize that
He has already provided everything you need

Stop looking for what you already have
Let God increase your faith
See that you will learn to treasure
The things that surround you

Trust in the ways of God
Believe that He will sustain you
Happiness is when you learn to be
Contented and satisfied with what you have

Instead of complaining to Him,
Learn to thank and declare His goodness
When you embrace simplicity
You will learn to appreciate more of life

God alone can satisfy your heart
He can give you pure joy
So while you are still breathing,
Let Him be the source of your happiness

Let God be the reason for your contentment
He alone can give you the love you truly need
His love alone will teach you to serve
And He prepared an excellent future for you